I met Jehovah in the flesh in person in 2007, and this work, may it be entirely unto His grace.
The Cone of Perception 4th Edition Table of Contents
1. Introduction to the 4th Edition
2. The Meaning of Now
3. The Geometric Pattern of Perception Theorems
i. Math for Transforming a Circle into a Cone
a. Theorem 1 - Difference in the Circumferences of Two Circles
i. Lemma1 ii. Lemma 2 iii.Lemma 3 iv.Lemma 4 v. Lemma 5
b. Theorem 2 - Equilateral Triangle of Instantaneous Velocity = Average Velocity i. Lemma8
c. Theorem 3 - Phenomenological Velocity Solutions (Innate Velocity within the Lorentz Coefficient)
ii. Visualizations of Math for Transforming a Circle into a Cone
iii. Computational Results from Applying The Lorentz Transformation to the Height of
“The Cone” in Such a Way that It Cancels out with Itself.
iv. Visualizing the Height of the Cone (Exposition of Configurative Adumbrations)
v. The √(-1)
vi. Application of the Aforementioned Algebraic Geometry to the Energy of a Photon vii. Differnces in Volumes of Two Spheres from the Transformation of a Circle into A
viii. Euler’s Identity Applied through The “Cone Transformation.”
ix. Exploring Complex Infinity within “The Cone Transformation.”
x. Within “The Limits,” of the Speed of Light
xi. 10 Dimensional: The Wavelength with Constant Value; Harmonic Hexadecimal
xii. Leonard Euler’s Formula in Natural Scientific Thought: Euler’s Identity with
Substitutions from the Difference in Circumferences of Two Circles Applied to the
Pythagorean Theorem
xiii. Complex Analysis Applied to the Height of the Cone (Manifolds)
xiv. A Proof of Non-comprehensiveness of Euclidean Geometry (Due to Its Consistency) xv. Woven Velocity Patterns
xvi. Spatio-Temporal Configurations for Faster than Light Travel (v>c): Mathematics for
a Warp Engine
xvii. Volume of a Cone
xviii. Frequency in Terms of Transcendental, Phenomenological Velocity from Energy of
an Electron = Energy of a Photon: Descriptions of Mass xix. Ontology of Phenomenological Velocity
xx. On Formulations of the Pythagorean Theorem
xxi. Parker’s Commentary on Fermat’s Last Theorem
xxii. Revelations of an Infinite Angle
xxiii. Long Theta Solution from Equilateral Velocity Configurations xxiv. Complex Infinity of the Infinite Angular Formulation
4. Mathematical Analysis in Ecological Optics
5. Theories of Perceptual Experience and Their Correlations
6. Cognition: Theory of Consciousness, Perception and Visionary Experience