Riemann Hypothesis Proofed Theorem: The Riemann Hypothesis can be reworded to indicate that the real part of one half always balanced at the infinity tensor by stating that the Riemann zeta function has no more than an infinity tensor’s worth of zeros on the...

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SoftMax Algorithm

\begin{algorithm}\caption{Geometric Algorithm MDP-IC (MDP Inspired Feedback Control).}\label{alg:mdp-ic-geo}\begin{algorithmic}[1]\Require{$\vec{\mathrm{Q}} = \mathrm{vec}(Q), \vec{\mathrm{W}} = \mathrm{vec}(\mathrm{err}), \vec{\theta}{s_0}=\mathrm{vec}((Q,...

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We could have just used $$. Since if and for any diagonal distance in the staircase above int is constantly $0$. $$\begin{align*}\bigcup_{k = 1}^i g(W_{k,0}^{[j]} \odot [0,k]) =& \sum_{k=1}^i W_{k,0,j} \mathrm{LCM}_p[k, 0] \\+& \frac{\sum_{j = 1}^{\ell}...

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