Rainbow Wings
Phenomenological Velocity
The Cone of Perception: A Cornucopia of Visualizations, Mathematics and Philosphy I met Jehovah in the flesh in person in 2007, and this work, may it be entirely unto His grace. The Cone of Perception 4th Edition Table of Contents 1. Introduction to the 4th Edition 2. The Meaning of Now 3. The Geometric Pattern of...
Riemann Hypothesis Proofed Theorem: The Riemann Hypothesis can be reworded to indicate that the real part of one half always balanced at the infinity tensor by stating that the Riemann zeta function has no more than an infinity tensor’s worth of zeros on the...
The Notation Project
SoftMax Algorithm
\begin{algorithm}\caption{Geometric Algorithm MDP-IC (MDP Inspired Feedback Control).}\label{alg:mdp-ic-geo}\begin{algorithmic}[1]\Require{$\vec{\mathrm{Q}} = \mathrm{vec}(Q), \vec{\mathrm{W}} = \mathrm{vec}(\mathrm{err}), \vec{\theta}{s_0}=\mathrm{vec}((Q,...
We could have just used $$. Since if and for any diagonal distance in the staircase above int is constantly $0$. $$\begin{align*}\bigcup_{k = 1}^i g(W_{k,0}^{[j]} \odot [0,k]) =& \sum_{k=1}^i W_{k,0,j} \mathrm{LCM}_p[k, 0] \\+& \frac{\sum_{j = 1}^{\ell}...
Optimized Energy Numbers: Analogical Regularization of Pseudo-Cones on a Loss Function
Here' s what I need to know to provide an accurate formula : This paper examines how the use of oneness from chaotic numeration can be employed to regularize analogical expressions and improve the transfer of authority through subscripting in machine learning models....