Parker Emmerson
This is the fourth book of Emmerson’s extensive exploration of numeric energy synchronicity. It is ambitious exploration of mathematics, uncovering the analogies and connections between its diverse branches.
Through the logical vector space connections, he demonstrates how to combine numeric energy and logic, yielding a plethora of tangent ideas. The resulting vector logic space leads to the discovery of a new sheaf called “Limbertwig,” which allows for the derivation of vast combinations of novel mathematical statements.

Parker Emmerson
Parker Emmerson is a dedicated researcher fascinated by the intricacies of mathematical forms. He’s written several books on mathematics and continues to unravel previously unknown relationships between mathematics and philosophy. From exploring hidden dimensions in algebra to presenting formal proofs, his work has pushed the boundaries of mathematical understanding.
The Cone of Perception: A Cornucopia of Visualizations, Mathematics and Philosphy
...Riemann Hypothesis Proofed
https://zenodo.org/records/7686996 Theorem: The Riemann Hypothesis can be reworded to indicate that the real part of ...
SoftMax Algorithm
\begin{algorithm}\caption{Geometric Algorithm MDP-IC (MDP Inspired Feedback Control).}\label{alg:mdp-ic-geo}\begin{al...
We could have just used $$. Since if and for any diagonal distance in the staircase above int is constantly $0$....
Optimized Energy Numbers: Analogical Regularization of Pseudo-Cones on a Loss Function
Here’ s what I need to know to provide an accurate formula :